Have you ever thought about selling your blog? Or perhaps you want to cut out all the tedious work of setting up a new site, creating content, growing traffic and income and want to buy an existing blog?
I hear you! I love selling my blogs and I can see so many benefits to buying one – but I haven’t felt confident enough yet to do so.
To help fix this, in today’s episode I’m joined by Chelsea Clarke from HerPaperRoute. She not only has some great blogging monetisation tips and has bought and sold multiple blogs herself but runs a business helping others buy and sell their blogs.
She shares her best tips to help demystify this process while also sharing some of her story and what works for her in blogging.
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Here’s an overview of what we talked about today. Chelsea shares:
- her journey from getting started in blogging to where she is now
- what she learned buying and selling sites at the start of her blogging journey
- what she recommends with blogging monetisation
- why she started her second business in buying and selling blogs
- what you should do to your blog to get it ready to sell
- how she puts a price tag on blogs
- what she looks for in a good blog to buy
- what due diligence to do before buying a site
- and much more!
This episode is sponsored by my brand new course, SEO Fast Track, your complete step-by-step system for how to kick butt with SEO across your blog for the low, low cost of $97.
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Links Mentioned In This Episode (As Well As Some Helpful Ones!)
Click here to download your FREE Copy of my 2 Month Road Map for Blogging Success.
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Next episode, I talk about everything link building from whether it’s necessary to how to do it to outsourcing link building and the risks involved. You can listen to it here now.