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Episode 3: Making a 2 Month Blogging Success Road Map With Travel Blogger, Keith Erskine [COACHING SESSION]


Have you been blogging for awhile but are failing to make the switch from hobby to business blogger and want this to change NOW?

Are you not sure what you are doing wrong, but feel that something seems to be missing as you struggle to monetise and gain traffic?

You aren’t alone! Today, you get front row seats to my coaching session with Keith Erskine, a travel blogger who has been blogging for awhile but can’t seem to make this switch. You will learn where I see him and many other bloggers going wrong with SEO, monetisation and branding.

Better yet, you can copy his two month road map to put your own blog on its path to success.


Keith explains what he wants from his blogging journey and what he’s tried so far. I share my feedback on his site and where I see him going wrong before sharing a detailed 2 month road map of how to spend the next couple of months to set him up for success.

The best part is that this is directly applicable to most blogs and you can download your own copy of the road map by clicking here.

It’s also incredibly simple – there are barely any steps. You will love it!

And since it’s now been over two months since we recorded this, you can also hear from Keith below about his results.

If you find this podcast helpful, the best way to encourage me to keep going is to subscribe and leave a review here. I really appreciate it!

Click Here to Download your FREE copy of the 2 Month Blogging Success Road Map!

Here’s an overview of what we talked about today:

  • [3:03] Keith describes his blog, his goals for his blog and how his blog is currently performing
  • [8:25] Where I see areas of improvement on his site
  • [14:20] Where I see areas of improvement for SEO
  • [25:07] My advice when it comes to pursuing other methods of getting traffic
  • [27:18] My monetisation advice
  • [32:00] The 2 Month Blogging Success Road Map
  • [43:43] What to do after the next 2 months

This episode is sponsored by my brand new course, SEO Fast Track, your complete step-by-step system for how to kick butt with SEO across your blog for the low, low cost of $97.

Click here to listen now!

Making a 2 Month Blogging Success Road Map With Travel Blogger, Keith Erskine [COACHING SESSION]

Subscribe And Review

If you haven’t subscribed to my podcast, make sure you subscribe right now on iTunes here! Or you can find it on Spotify here.

I have many great episodes coming up and this will make sure you don’t miss them.

I would extra appreciate a review in iTunes. This helps others find my podcast and I love reading them too. This is the best way to thank me if you find my content useful.

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Update After Two Months

At the time of writing this section, it’s mid May and two months have passed since my call with Keith. This is what he emailed me to say:

Hi Sharon

I want to share this with you.  As a direct result of the hour coaching session I received from you two months ago, here are two very significant results.

1] I’ve reach position 1 on Google for ‘best ****’. Buying guide published in early April, 2020. Amazing result.

2] Travellin’ Lite earned its first affiliate commission.  Never thought I’d see it happen

Sharon, again; so many thanks for your guidance and no BS approach.  I struggled for what seems forever; and that one call changed it all.

I’m going to continue with……..

1] Writing Buying Guides

2] Collab posts for link building

3] Hosting my own collabs for travel related content, focussing on Buying Guides myself.

Cheers. Keith Erskine.

Taking into account that Keith is building a travel site and this period is during a huge travel shutdown worldwide thanks to the coronavirus pandemic and this result is even better.

Read to give it a try yourself? Click here to download your FREE Copy of my 2 Month Road Map for Blogging Success.

Update After 4 Months

Keith has made $496 in the last 2 months in affiliate commissions and has had 3,800 visitors in last 30 days. Everything is trending up! I look forward to the results at 6 months.

Update After 11 Months

At the 11 month mark, Keith returned to the podcast to share his current traffic, earnings, how he went with completing the 2 month road map and what he has done since.

You are absolutely going to love as it shows you the benefit of completing this road map and just how powerful it is.

Listen to it here.

Links Mentioned In This Episode (As Well As Some Helpful Ones!)

Click here to download your FREE Copy of my 2 Month Road Map for Blogging Success.

You can ask questions about this episode (or anything else) in the DNW Facebook group at DNWcommunity.com.

Next episode, I am talking about how to use SEO to make money from your blog.

Getting search engine traffic is very powerful and where it has its biggest power is that you know what people want to know/do by the keywords they search for – so you can use these to write the types of articles I advised Keith to write – buying guides that help people make smart buying decisions and are also great for earning passive income for bloggers. Listen to it here!

Click here to find all my podcast episodes.

About the Author

Sharon is passionate about working online and helping others to follow in her footsteps. She started blogging in 2005, but became serious about it when she left Australia with her young family at the end of 2014 determined to grow an online business. She succeeded by becoming a SEO and affiliate marketing expert and now supports her family of 5 to live their dream lifestyle. She has a degree in web development, a graduate diploma of education (secondary teaching) and consumes everything SEO. She loves putting her teaching diploma to good use by teaching other bloggers how to have the same success that she has had.

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