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Niche Site Case Study 2: 8 Months In


This Niche Site Case Study update is going to be different.

Since I have already walked through the process of building a niche site, these updates are not going to detail how to build a niche site anymore. Instead, they will focus on updating how our current niche sites are progressing and everything else I am learning about building, ranking and making money from niche sites.

This month has been a huge month for me in regards to building niche sites.

Not because I am building them but because I am helping other people build them.

My Niche Site Freedom course kicked off a few weeks ago after selling out. It’s been fun to be back in the trenches helping other people learn about SEO, affiliate marketing and building niche sites.

The work I have seen so far has been great and I’m sure there’s going to be quite a few successful niche sites come out of this group.

niche site case study 2

What have I learned this month in regards to niche sites?

There’s still plenty of great niches out there. You do have to think outside the square and the more obvious products are dominated by high authority sites. However, there are plenty of smaller niches out there that look good.

I have also learned that the process of building a niche site is more complicated than I tend to realise conciously. I’m so used to doing things like keyword research, setting up sites and writing reviews that it’s easy to forget how long all the tiny steps in there take when first starting out. All these are covered in the course.

Niche Site Case Study 2 update

It’s been about eight months since the first one of these niche sites in this case study was published.

The stats below are for the last month. The number in the bracket is where the site was ranking in my last update.

Site 1

Main keyword is ranking: 9.5 on average (10.1)
Sessions from organic search:  2540 (2429 )
Money made: US$481 ($485)
Category commission rate of main keyword: 4.5%

Site 1 is still going well. The first half of the month was great, but our impressions and clicks dropped for many of the keywords a couple of weeks ago. Our rankings did stay the same so I’m thinking less people are searching at the moment. Thankfully, they are trending back up and, overall, the month was good.

We have a couple of more links scheduled to go out soon so that should help too. Our second buying guide continues to rank well as well.

We also experimented using Instagram to get traffic for this site using a technique which is working for a friend. Basically we have an account with great photos from this niche and we follow accounts interested in our niche and comment on their photos. This is all automated.

Many people follow back and some click through. However, the number clicking through is low and barely any look past the home page so we are not finding this effective.

Click Here to Download a Checklist of all the 7 Steps to Building a Money Making Niche Site!

Site 2

This site is currently on hold.

We have decided to try a big change for site 2. Two things happened to prompt this about a month ago:

  • I found a better buying keyword that was closely related to our main buying keyword. In fact, it’s a subset of the product. Instead of going for best juicer, for example, we’ve changed it to best masticating juicer.
  • I read a compelling article that links to niche sites on a new PBN site are not effective unless you add them 6 weeks+ after creating the PBN sites.

We have removed all links from our PBN to this site and have re-written the main buying guide to be about the new buying keyword. We have kept all URLs the same.

We will re-add links from the PBN in a few weeks time. We’ll let you know what happens!

Read our 10 month update here and find all niche site case study 2 updates here.

You can also find more posts on my case studies and niche sites here.

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About the Author

Sharon is passionate about working online and helping others to follow in her footsteps. She started blogging in 2005, but became serious about it when she left Australia with her young family at the end of 2014 determined to grow an online business. She succeeded by becoming a SEO and affiliate marketing expert and now supports her family of 5 to live their dream lifestyle. She has a degree in web development, a graduate diploma of education (secondary teaching) and consumes everything SEO. She loves putting her teaching diploma to good use by teaching other bloggers how to have the same success that she has had.

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